Commercial ponds

Beautify and improve your entrance and retention ponds with Kasco Fountains and Aeration equipment. Effectively clean your pond by boosting oxygen levels, which will speed up the decomposition of organic matter to limit the nutrients plants need.

With both Aerating and Decorative Fountain models, Kasco offers many eye-catching and distinct fountain displays and patterns that not only beautify your pond, but also make it a healthy, properly functioning ecosystem.

Designed for heavy-duty applications for minimal maintenance and clogging issues, Kasco products offer dependable, cost-effective, and energy-efficient solutions to your pond health and aesthetic problems.

Things to consider

  • Pond size, position, and elevation
  • Pond bank height
  • Power type and location
  • Display shape and lights

Kasco products for healthy commercial ponds

Aerating fountains

The combination of high flow rates with a V-shaped-aesthetic effect, the aeration fountains provide the best mix of appearance and oxygen enrichment.

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Decorative fountains

For decorating the appearance of the water with an elegant pattern and stimulation of vital oxygen and agitation for a healthy pond or lake.

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Fountain lights

Kasco provides CE certified fountain lighting packages, which are to be used for illuminating the 50Hz driving aeration fountains.

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Air diffuser units

Aeration dramatically improves environmental conditions in your pond, and helps keep good water quality predictable.

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